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Truck Accident kills Two Family Members in Milford

Williams & Cannon, PLLC

When we are driving down the interstate, we want to get to our destination quickly. We are trying to get to work, run errands, or see family. The speed is a bit faster, but with careful eyes and a decision to obey the rules of the road, the freeways are a very safe means of travel. But when unforeseen tragedy and possible negligence happens, vehicles, especially heavy tractor-trailers, can become a deadly hazard few can avoid. The truck accident lawyer at our firm, want to discuss a recent accident near Dallas that left a family shattered.

What Happened In This Dallas Truck Accident?

In December 2020, a semi-truck came to an unexpected halt down Interstate-35E in South Ellis County. A van filled with family collided into the back of it, being pinned and crushed by the tractor-trailer.

Two people in the van were killed instantly. An air ambulance needed to be flown to a hospital. Another victim was taken to the hospital by a regular ambulance.

It was not clear if the truck driver was impaired and caused the accident by negligence. The harm that a truck can cause, whether by negligence or the inability to control itself, can be devastating, and we want to be able to help you if you have faced a similar situation.

Truck Accidents Can Cause Serious Harm

Due to their heavy size, trucks can cause unbelievable damage when they hit another vehicle or person. Even stopping in traffic unexpectedly can cause wreck other vehicles in their path. At our firm, we want to help you with your recovery and get you back on your feet as soon as possible.

Victims who have experienced a truck accident due to someone’s negligence typically deal with:

  • Loss of mobility
  • Psychological issues caused by the injury
  • Loss of time with family and loved ones
  • Temporary or permanent family separation
  • Disfigurement
  • Emotional and physical trauma
  • Loss of cognitive skills

A truck accident can cause unforeseen pain and anguish to the victim and the victim’s family. The statute of limitations is two years for a truck accident case in Texas, and that does not leave you much time to get the financial compensation you deserve. We want to start your investigation immediately to relieve you of the unexpected bills and burdens you face right now. We know there is a clock ticking against getting you the help you need and deserve. We want to get started on your case today.

Please Call Us For A Free Consultation On Your Case

If you or somebody you love has been the victim of a truck accident caused by someone’s negligent and careless actions in the Dallas area, please contact us immediately. We pledge to conduct a thorough and full investigation into your claim so we can secure the compensation you need. We want you to receive compensation for:

  • Unforeseen legal and medical bills
  • Loss of income from taking sick time
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Punitive damages
  • Pain and suffering

When you need a personal injury lawyer in Dallas, you can contact our firm for a free consultation by clicking here or calling 214-295-2900 for a free case evaluation.

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