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Dallas Scooter Accident Attorney

Most people never think they are going to need help from a Dallas electric scooter attorney. However, the popularity of electric scooters has skyrocketed over the last few years. Unfortunately, these little alternative modes of transportation can cause major injuries. At our firm, our qualified and experienced team is ready to help if you have sustained an electric scooter accident injury in Dallas. Let us help secure any compensation you are entitled to.

Are there electric scooters in Dallas?

Over the last few years, many companies have been flooding major cities with electric scooters. Touted as wonderful, convenient, and environmentally friendly methods of transportation, these scooters have had plenty of unintended consequences. Currently, there are several major scooter companies operating in Dallas, including:

Riders do not have to have any experience with electric scooters to be able to rent one with the click of a button on their smartphone. They do not even have to wear any protective gear. This has led to disastrous consequences and severe injuries for riders and others in and around the Dallas area.

Electric scooter accident injuries can be severe, and they do not only happen to the scooter riders. These injuries can occur to pedestrians, bicyclists, and even vehicle passengers who may crash while trying to avoid striking a scooter rider. It is not uncommon for the Dallas bicycle accident attorneys at our firm to help clients who have sustained the following:

  • Broken or dislocated bones
  • Severe lacerations or puncture wounds
  • Severe road rash/skin tears
  • Open head wounds
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord trauma
  • Injuries that cause significant disfigurement or scarring

Each of these injuries requires extensive medical care, and victims often need long periods of time and physical therapy in order to make a full recovery.

Who is liable in a Dallas electric scooter accident?

It could be hard to hold an electric scooter company liable for these incidents because most users sign a waiver of liability when they agree to use the scooters. However, the companies may be liable if the scooter in question was defective or if an underage rider was allowed to rent a device.

More likely, liability will revolve around a negligent party that caused the actual accident. This could include a negligent vehicle driver that strikes an electric scooter operator. In some cases, the electric scooter operator may be found liable if they cause injury to other parties involved, such as pedestrians and bicyclists

Let us secure the compensation you need

If you or somebody you love has been injured in an electric scooter accident in Dallas, you may need to seek legal assistance as soon as possible. At our firm, we know that these incidents are often caused by the negligence of another person. We will investigate what happened and work to secure the following compensation:

  • Any medical bills caused by the electric scooter accident
  • Lost wages if a victim cannot work
  • Pain and suffering and loss of personal enjoyment damages

Our team will pursue possible punitive damages in cases of gross negligence or the malicious actions of another party. When you need a Dallas electric scooter attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or by calling us at 214-295-2900.

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