12222 Merit Drive, Suite 1203 Dallas, Texas 75251
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Dallas Construction Zone Car Accident Attorney

What Is Just As Ubiquitous As Heavy Dallas Traffic?

The continual construction activity in and around the city.

Regardless of where you are driving throughout the Dallas area, you will inevitably run into some sort of construction that could have an impact on traffic. This can include construction on the roadway itself or buildings close to the street. At our firm, our team is standing by to help if you need a Dallas construction zone car accident attorney by your side. We have experience investigating complex vehicle accident claims, and we have the resources necessary to help clients recover the compensation they need.

Construction Zone Accidents Can Be Devastating

Accidents that occur in construction zones can result in significant injuries for those involved. During the latest reporting year across the state of Texas, there were 22,250 total work zone accidents reported, according to the Department of Transportation. As a result of these incidents, there were:

  • 184 fatalities
  • 679 suspected serious injuries
  • 2,966 non-incapacitating injuries
  • 5, 895 possible injuries

Construction zones can be dangerous, mainly because these areas take drivers out of their regular routines when they are on the roadway.

Common Causes Of Construction Zone Accidents In Dallas

Construction accidents can occur in a wide variety of ways. Often, the fault for these incidents falls with negligent drivers who fail to follow traffic laws and signs regarding construction zones near the roadway. However, there may be other parties involved that could be held liable, including construction companies, government entities, and third-party contractors. These other parties could hold liability for a construction zone crash if they:

  • Failed to alert other drivers about the construction zone by using adequate warning signs
  • Failed to properly mark temporary driving lanes for drivers to follow
  • Did not guide traffic for drivers so they could safely navigate a construction zone
  • Left dangerous equipment or vehicles close to traffic on the roadway and created a hazard
  • Failed to adequately clean up any debris left behind as a result of construction
  • Failed to cordon off dangerous areas to prevent drivers from crashing

It is crucial for a thorough investigation to be conducted in the aftermath of a construction zone accident in or around the Dallas area. Often, construction companies and municipal agencies will try to shift the blame for the accident onto the driver involved, but an investigation could determine that these other parties actually hold liability for the incident.

Reach out to a Dallas car accident lawyer today

If you or somebody you love has been injured in a car accident that occurred in a construction zone in or around the Dallas area, reach out to the team at our firm for assistance today. Our attorneys have the resources necessary to handle every aspect of your claim, including an investigation into the cause of the crash, negotiating with other parties involved, and ensuring proper compensation for your losses. We want to make sure you receive coverage of your medical bills, property damage expenses, lost wages, and more. When you need a Dallas construction zone car accident attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or by calling us at 214-295-2900.

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