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Dallas Public Transportation Attorney

Public transportation provides enormous benefits for both citizens and visitors to Dallas. Not only are public transportation options relatively inexpensive, but they also provide ways for us to keep vehicle traffic down, a win for roadway congestion and the environment. However, there are times public transportation accidents occur due to the negligence of drivers or transportation agencies. When this happens, the Dallas public transportation attorneys at our firm are ready to help victims secure the compensation they need.

What public transportation options are in Dallas?

The Dallas public transportation system has plenty of options and is generally seen as competent. Most people who take advantage of mass public transportation in Dallas use the Dallas Area Rapid Transit system, or DART.

DART is not just a bus system. The Dallas public transit system has many buses that connect directly to an extensive light rail system. DART connects Dallas and the surrounding suburbs and is continually expanding. Currently, the DART light rail system comprises of 93 miles of lines (the largest light rail system in the United States) and more than 163 vehicles. Approximately 100,000 people ride the DART light rail system every week.

How can a public transportation accident occur?

Unfortunately, accidents involving public transit vehicles can be severe. Various groups of people can sustain injuries in the event of a bus or light rail public transit accident. These vehicles weigh tens of thousands of pounds and can affect the following victims in a crash:

  • Passengers on a bus or light rail
  • Drivers and passengers in vehicles affected by the crash
  • Bystanders who are near a crash

It is not uncommon for our mass transit accident attorneys to help victims who have sustained the following injuries in an incident:

It is up to DART officials to ensure the proper operation of all vehicles. All buses and light rail systems must be regularly inspected and properly maintained in order to ensure their safety. All public transit operators must be properly supervised. No operator should ever be distracted or impaired, as this can lead to serious accidents occurring.

We will help secure the compensation you need

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident involving a public transportation vehicle, seek legal assistance immediately. At our firm, our knowledgeable and experienced team will investigate your claim in order to secure the compensation you need. This can include:

  • Coverage of medical expenses
  • Coverage of physical therapy
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Loss of enjoyment of life damages
  • Recovery of lost wages if you are unable to work
  • Possible punitive damages against the operator or agency involved

When you need a Dallas public transportation accident attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or by calling us at 214-295-2900.

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