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FAQs Premises Liability

Nobody should ever have to worry about being injured when they go onto another person’s property. However, there are times when the careless or negligent actions of a property owner cause serious injuries to those who have a right to be there. At our firm, we are ready to help when you need a Dallas premises liability attorney. Our team is dedicated to helping victims secure the compensation they are entitled to.

What are the most common premises liability injuries?

There are innumerable ways that people can be hurt when they go on to another person’s property. Premises liability cases can arise from incidents at stores, local parks, in parking lots, or even at a private residential home. Some of the most common causes of premises liability injuries include the following:

  • Slip and fall or trip and fall incidents: Slip, trips, and falls are the leading causes of premises liability cases. These incidents regularly occur when property owners or their employees fail to keep patrons safe. Slips, trips, and falls regularly occur due to wet floors, uneven walking surfaces, loose carpeting or floor material, wires or cords on a walkway, low-lying obstacles, and more.
  • Poor maintenance: If a property owner fails to regularly inspect and maintain their premises or fails to properly remedy any known hazard, patrons can sustain serious injuries. Some of the most common causes of injuries due to poor maintenance include dangerous stairs, store displays, shelving, elevators, escalators, and more.
  • Pools and hot tubs: Commercial and residential property owners have a duty to ensure the safety of any pools or hot tubs present. Failing to secure these areas can result in serious injuries, drownings, or near-drownings.
  • Private residences: Private homeowners also have a duty to ensure their guests are safe. They should promptly repair any known hazards or warn guests of any hazards that could cause them harm.

What are some common premises liability injuries?

There are a number of injuries they can occur premises incident. Some of the most common injuries that our Dallas premises liability attorneys help clients with include:

Who is liable in a premises liability case?

There can be various liable parties in the premises injury case. In general, there are four basic elements that need to be proven for these cases to be successful:

  1. The defendant (property owner) must have owed the plaintiff (injured party) a duty.
  2. The defendant must have breached their duty to the plaintiff.
  3. The breach of duty must have caused the plaintiff’s injuries.
  4. The plaintiff’s injuries must have led to economic or non-economic damages.

What kind of compensation can you receive for a premises liability case?

If you or somebody you love has been injured due to the careless or negligent actions of a property owner, seek legal assistance immediately. The team at our firm is going to investigate your case and work to secure any compensation you are entitled to. This can include:

  • All of your medical expenses related to the incident
  • Lost income if you cannot work while you recover
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Loss of enjoyment of life damages
  • Possible punitive damages against the property owner or operator

When you need a Dallas premises liability attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or by calling us at 214-295-2900.

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