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Dallas Brain Injury Attorney

There is no denying that a brain injury can lead to long-lasting or permanent effects for a victim. Our Dallas brain injury attorney is ready to help if you of a loved one have sustained a brain injury because of another person’s negligence. At our firm, we will investigate every aspect of what happened and work to secure the compensation you need.

Dallas Brain Injuries Can Result In Lasting Consequences

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a traumatic brain injury (TBI) is defined as a “disruption in the normal function of the brain that can be caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head, or penetrating head injury.”

Data available from the CDC shows us that 1.5 million brain injuries occur each year in this country. Out of those incidents, approximately 50,000 people lose their lives, and 85,000 victims suffer from long-term disabilities.

How Do Dallas Brain Injuries Occur?

At our firm, our Dallas brain injury lawyer know that these injuries occur in a wide variety of ways. We regularly help clients and families of brain injury victims who sustained harm due to:

This is certainly not an all-inclusive list of how brain injuries occur, and you should speak to a Dallas brain injury lawyer about the specifics of your case.

How Do Brain Injuries Affect Dallas Victims?

Brain injuries can have wide-ranging effects, and the severity often depends on what initially caused the injury, the effectiveness of the treatment a victim receives, and how quickly a victim receives treatment after the initial emergency.

Those who sustain relatively minor TBIs (such as concussions) will likely make a full recovery if they follow a doctor’s treatment plan. However, those who sustain more severe TBIs often have long-term impairments. This can include:

  • Partial or full paralysis
  • Trouble carrying or moving objects
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Uncontrolled movements
  • Difficulty walking or standing
  • Speech difficulties
  • Loss of fine motor skills
  • Cognitive challenges such as trouble thinking or remembering
  • Newfound difficulty with social relationships

Time Limit To File A Brain Injury Claim In Dallas

Any person who sustains a brain injury caused by the careless or negligent actions of another individual, business, or entity needs to be aware that there is a limitation for how long they have to file a lawsuit against the other party. The Texas personal injury statute of limitations is two years from the date an injury occurs. This means that a brain injury victim has a two-year window with which to file a lawsuit against the alleged negligent party, or they will lose the ability to recover any compensation at all.

This two-year limitation has no bearing on any deadlines put in place by insurance carriers that may be involved. In general, insurance carriers have strict reporting deadlines, and an injury needs to be reported soon after it occurs or the carrier may delay or deny the claim altogether.

What If A Dallas Brain Injury Causes Death?

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for a brain injury to lead to the death of the victim. If you have lost a loved one due to the actions of somebody else, our Dallas wrongful death attorneys will be ready to help you through this. Our compassionate and experienced wrongful death team will be able to conduct a complete investigation into your case and help your family gain the closure and compensation you deserve. We will fully investigate the liable parties in an effort to hold them accountable for their actions.

Are There Caps On How Much Compensation Can Be Awarded?

Texas brain injury victims and their families often wonder whether or not there are limitations on the amount of compensation they can be awarded if they are successful with their personal injury claim against the negligent party. Some states place limitations on the amount of compensation that can be awarded in these cases, but Texas does not. Texas places no caps on either economic compensation (medical bills, lost wages, property damage, etc.) or non-economic compensation (emotional distress, loss of quality of life, etc.) for these cases.

However, there is one exception to this. Texas does place a limitation on the amount of non-economic compensation that can be awarded in a medical malpractice case. These limitations will come into place for brain injury cases that revolve around a medical mistake. These limitations are as follows:

  • $500,000 in non-economic compensation against a medical facility
  • $250,000 in non-economic compensation against an individual medical provider
  • $750,000 is the total amount of non-economic compensation that can be awarded in a Texas medical malpractice case

Let Us Help You Get Through This

If you or somebody you love has sustained a brain injury due to the negligent actions of another person, the serious injury lawyer in Dallas at our firm understands that this is a difficult time for you. We are here to investigate what happened so we can secure any compensation you are entitled to. For a brain injury, this could include:

  • Coverage of all past, current, and future medical expenses
  • Lost income and benefits if the brain injury victim cannot work
  • Loss of future earnings or future earning potential
  • Coverage of physical therapy
  • Compensation for long-term or in-home care
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Loss of enjoyment of life damages
  • Possible punitive damages against the negligent party

If you need a brain injury attorney in Dallas, you can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or by calling us at 214-295-2900.

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