12222 Merit Drive, Suite 1203 Dallas, Texas 75251
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Dallas Multi-Vehicle Accident Attorney

Getting involved in any car accident can be a terrifying experience. This is especially the case when there are multiple vehicles involved. Multi-vehicle accidents can become incredibly complicated, but the Dallas multi-vehicle accident lawyer at our firm is ready to help if you are harmed due to another driver’s negligence. Let our Dallas multi-vehicle accident attorney investigate your case and work to secure the compensation you deserve.

Understanding the nature of vehicle accidents

It will come as no surprise to anyone in this area that car accidents are very common. Information from the Texas Department of Transportation shows that there were 3,639 total fatalities and nearly 250,000 injuries due to motor vehicle accidents during the latest reporting year in the state. In Dallas, for that same reporting year, there were approximately 32,000 traffic crashes reported. These incidents led to 202 fatalities and more than 17,000 injuries.

Most crashes involve at least two vehicles. However, it is not uncommon for a vehicle accident in and around the Dallas area to involve more than two vehicles. This can lead to several complications for anyone who has been injured when it comes to securing compensation.

Factors to consider when there are multiple vehicles in a Dallas accident

When working to secure compensation for injuries and property damage in the aftermath of a car accident, it is important to establish liability. Insurance companies are going to work to determine who is at fault for the accident in order to come to a fair settlement.

Most vehicle accidents require an investigation to determine who was at fault for the incident. Typically, the at-fault party (or their insurer) will be responsible for covering the expenses for an incident. However, when there are multiple vehicles involved, there may be more than one at-fault party.

In Texas, there is a modified comparative negligence rule in place that allows victims in accidents to recover compensation even if they are partially at fault for the incident. Under Texas law, an injured person cannot recover compensation if they are found to be 51% or more at fault for causing an accident. Any party that contributed less than 51% to the incident will be entitled to recover compensation.

That is why it is so important that you work with a skilled Dallas multi-vehicle accident lawyer who can conduct a thorough investigation and work to prove liability in your case.

We will handle every aspect of your case

If you or somebody you care about has been involved in an accident involving multiple vehicles, you need to seek assistance from a multi-vehicle accident lawyer in Dallas. At our firm, you can count on our team to thoroughly investigate your case in order to secure the following compensation on your behalf:

  • Compensation for your crash-related medical bills
  • Lost wages if you are unable to work
  • General household expenses
  • Possible physical therapy expenses
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Possible punitive damages against any grossly negligent drivers

When you need a multi-vehicle accident attorney in Dallas, you can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or by calling us at 214-295-2900.

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