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Dallas Physical Elder Abuse Attorney

When you have elderly loved ones that need extra care to ensure their well-being, you often rely on others to help. In some cases, this may mean that you need to place your loved one in a nursing home. In other cases, you may rely on in-home assistance from outside parties. However, the last thing you expect is that your loved one will be physically abused by a caretaker. At our firm, we are here to help if you need a Dallas elder abuse attorney. If your loved one has been physically abused, we will investigate your case and work to secure justice and compensation for what happened.

Understanding physical elder abuse in Dallas

Data provided by the National Council on Aging indicates that approximately 10% of every elderly person in the country over the age of 65 will experience some form of abuse each year. Estimates show that is many as five million elderly people are abused each year in the US.

The physical abuse of the elderly is abhorrent, but unfortunately not uncommon. Whether a person receives in-home caregiving services, resides in a nursing home, or lives in another type of long-term care facility, there is a risk they can sustain abuse. Physical elder abuse is meant to inflict direct pain or injuries on the elderly person. This type of abuse can include the following:

  • Slapping
  • Punching
  • Running
  • Kicking
  • Using restraints unnecessarily
  • Pushing or pulling with unwarranted force
  • Using unnecessary roughness when assisting an elderly person

The signs and symptoms of physical elder abuse

Family members and friends of an elderly person susceptible to abuse must be on the lookout for various signs and symptoms that their loved one has been harmed. Some of the signs of physical abuse can include:

  • Any unexplained bruises, broken bones, lacerations, or skin tears
  • Recurring or unexplained infections
  • Dehydration or malnutrition
  • Sudden weight loss

However, the signs and symptoms of physical abuse may not always be visibly apparent. There are various behavioral indicators of physical abuse that you need to be on the lookout for as well. This includes:

  • Sudden withdrawn behavior
  • Newfound depression or anxiety
  • Fear around certain caregivers
  • Sudden changes in personality

The signs and symptoms of elderly abuse often mimic other common injuries and illnesses that a person may experience as they get older. This can make physical abuse harder to detect. The abusers often explain away indicators of abuse by blaming them on the victim’s age.

Call a Dallas elder abuse lawyer for a consultation of your case today

If you discover that your loved one has been physically abused by a caretaker, you need to seek legal assistance immediately. At our firm, we have the resources and experience necessary to help you and your loved one obtain compensation for what happened. This includes:

  • Coverage of any medical bills caused by the abuse
  • Compensation for any necessary counseling
  • Coverage to relocate to a new facility
  • Loss of personal enjoyment images
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Possible punitive damages against a grossly negligent caretaker or business owner

When you need a Dallas physical elder abuse attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or by calling us at 214-295-2900.

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