12222 Merit Drive, Suite 1203 Dallas, Texas 75251
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Dallas Commercial Truck Accident Attorney

Commercial trucks are an essential lifeline for residents and visitors to the Dallas area. However, these large trucks can cause severe injuries in the event they collide with passenger vehicles. At our firm, we are here to help if you need a Dallas truck accident attorney. If you or somebody you care about has been injured in a crash caused by the negligent actions of a truck driver or trucking company, we will investigate your case and work to secure any compensation you are entitled to.

Commercial truck accidents can lead to severe injuries

According to the Texas Department of Transportation, we can see that 39,193 total commercial vehicle accidents were reported across the state during the latest year of data available. Out of these incidents, there were:

  • 613 fatalities
  • 1,471 suspected serious injuries
  • 4,733 non-incapacitating injuries
  • 9,937 possible injuries

Large commercial trucks present significant dangers on the roadway. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), a fully loaded tractor-trailer can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds. The size and weight discrepancy between commercial trucks and other vehicles on the roadway means that these crashes often result in significant injuries or fatalities.

It is not uncommon for the Dallas commercial truck accident attorney at our firm to help clients who have sustained the following:

Causes of Dallas commercial truck accidents

There are various causes of commercial truck accidents in and around the Dallas area. At our firm, our investigators often discover that these incidents are caused by truck drivers:

  • Failing to follow traffic laws
  • Operating too fast for conditions
  • Operating while impaired by alcohol or drugs
  • Operating while distracted by phones or other devices
  • Failing to abide by FMCSA hours of service regulations

We also know that these crashes can be caused by the negligent actions of truck companies or operators. This includes companies that:

  • Fail to regularly inspect and maintain their vehicles
  • Fail to properly train their drivers
  • Do not conduct background checks on potential drivers
  • Encourage drivers to operate with overloaded trucks

Call a Dallas truck accident lawyer for a free consultation

If you or somebody you love has been injured in a crash caused by the careless or negligent actions of a truck driver or trucking company, turn to the Dallas commercial truck accident lawyer at our firm today. We will use our resources to investigate every aspect of your case to secure the compensation you need. This can include:

  • Coverage of any medical bills caused by the commercial truck crash
  • Lost income if you are unable to work while recovering
  • Any household out-of-pocket expenses
  • Property damage expenses
  • Loss of quality of life damages
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Possible punitive damages against a grossly negligent truck driver or company

When you need a commercial truck accident attorney in Dallas, you can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or by calling us at 214-295-2900.

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