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Category: Wrongful Death

Have you given any attention to what distinguishes wrongful death litigation from survival action cases? To establish the difference, you must first answer the question, “what is wrongful death?” When someone passes away due to the carelessness or purposeful actions of another, wrongful death lawsuits are brought. These legal proceedings aim to make the offending […]

Have you ever heard someone talk about a wrongful death or medical malpractice case and not know what they were talking about? Do you have a loved one at risk of being wrongfully harmed and need to know the differences between wrongful death and medical malpractice? First, let’s establish what is wrongful death. Wrongful death […]

One of the toughest parts of experiencing the death of a loved one is the legal aftermath that can ensue. But suppose the death was due to another person’s negligence, such as a wrongful death, medical malpractice, or an at-fault car accident. In that case, the dependent family of the deceased may have the legal […]

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