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Dallas Elder Abuse Attorney

Elder abuse can occur in a variety of ways, though many people do not think of medical malpractice and elder abuse as being related. Unfortunately, elder abuse in the medical field is vastly understudied and often unnoticed. At our firm, we are here to help if you need a Dallas elder abuse attorney after a medical mistake has been made. We understand the devastation that the elderly experience if medical malpractice occurs, and we will work to secure any compensation victims are entitled to.

Elder abuse and medical malpractice in a nursing home

Nursing home abuse is vastly underreported in the United States, and medical malpractice in the nursing home setting is often covered up by blaming any complications on the natural processes of aging. However, nursing home residents deserve justice when they have experienced medical malpractice at the hands of nursing home facility staff.

There are various ways that medical malpractice occurs in a nursing home, including the following:

  • Failing to properly administer prescription medications
  • Facilities or medical devices that are unsanitary and cause infections
  • Dehydration or malnourishment
  • Improper use of medical restraints
  • Inadequately trained medical care
  • Non-medical staff administering medical care
  • Malfunctioning medical equipment or devices
  • Failing to notify a doctor of a resident’s worsening condition

Elder abuse and medical malpractice in an in-home care situation

Many elderly people in the United States rely on varying levels of in-home care. In some cases, this includes a nurse or other medical professional coming by a home a few times a week or maybe each day to administer medications and ensure the patient’s well-being. However, some in-home care involves 24/7 care in the patient’s home.

There are various ways that medical malpractice can occur in the in-home care setting. This can include:

  • Negligence by visiting nurses
  • Prescription medication errors
  • Failing to clean or monitor medical equipment
  • Failing to communicate with a patient’s doctor
  • Transportation or wheelchair injuries
  • Neglect of a patient’s basic necessities
  • Over-reliance on family members to provide contracted services

Time limit to file an elder abuse case in Dallas

If you have discovered that your loved one has suffered from abuse at the hands of a caretaker, you need to be aware of the timeline to file a lawsuit to recover compensation. The Texas personal injury statute of limitations is two years from the date the injury occurs. This means that family members of abuse victims have a two-year window with which to file a lawsuit to recover compensation on behalf of their loved one. Failing to file a claim within this specified amount of time will likely mean that victims will not recover compensation for their losses.

How will a Dallas elder abuse lawyer help?

Dallas elder abuse cases can become incredibly complicated, often because the signs and symptoms of elder abuse mimic other common injuries and illnesses that the elderly sustain. Dallas elder abuse cases typically require extensive investigation. At our firm, we have the resources and legal expertise necessary to:

  • Obtain any evidence needed to prove liability, including statements from eyewitnesses and workers, photo or video surveillance of the abuse, caretaker records, nursing home employment records, and more.
  • Work with trusted medical professionals who can evaluate the victim and make a determination as to how the injuries occurred.
  • Consult with financial and economic experts to help calculate the total expected losses the victim will incur.
  • Negotiate with every party involved to obtain maximum compensation for what happened.

At our firm, we have no problem taking a Dallas elder abuse case to trial if that is what it takes to ensure that the abusers are held accountable and at the victims are fairly compensated for what happened to them.

How much does a Dallas elder abuse attorney cost?

Many family members of elder abuse victims do not call an attorney because they are afraid they will not be able to afford one. However, the Dallas elder abuse lawyer at our firm is proud to take these cases on a contingency fee basis. This means that we will not charge any upfront or out-of-pocket costs for the case, and we will only collect legal fees after we obtain the compensation that the abuse victims and their families are entitled to. We take these cases with this fee arrangement because we believe that every elder abuse victim deserves justice, and we want to hold abusers accountable for their actions.

Call us for help with your case

Whether your loved one is in a nursing home or is receiving in-home care, you need to be vigilant and on the lookout for signs and symptoms that medical malpractice may be occurring. Even if you only suspect there is a problem, but do not have proof, you need to take steps to protect your loved one.

If you or somebody you love has been the victim of medical malpractice elder abuse, contact the elder abuse attorney in Dallas at our firm for help with your case today. Our goal is to conduct a complete investigation into the incident(s) in order to secure the compensation you need. This can include:

  • Full coverage of medical expenses
  • Compensation for any physical therapy or rehabilitation
  • Any necessary in-home care
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Loss of personal enjoyment damages

The total amount of compensation available for these claims will vary depending on the facts surrounding each particular case. Factors that can affect compensation amounts include the severity of the injuries, how long the abuse occurred, the emotional and psychological toll the abuse has on the victim, and more.

When you need an elder abuse lawyer in Dallas due to medical malpractice, you can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or by calling us at 214-295-2900.

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