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Dallas Deer-Car Accident Attorney

While there are many causes of car accidents in and around the Dallas area, many people do not think about a deer versus car accident. However, these incidents happen all the time and it is important that those involved know the steps to take in order to secure compensation. At our firm, our Dallas deer-car accident attorneys will help investigate your case in order to secure any compensation you are entitled to.

Understanding deer versus car accidents

Colliding with a deer while driving on the roadway is not something many people think about. However, these incidents are common, and they can lead to serious injuries and property damage. During the latest reporting year in the state, the Texas Department of Transportation says that there were 8,087 total collisions caused by wild (non-domestic) animals on the roadway. In many cases, these incidents involve deer.

The number of deer versus vehicle collisions spikes every Fall, and there is often no way to prevent these incidents. Deer have a mind of their own and react to each situation unpredictably. The only thing a driver controls in these situations is their own reaction. Drivers should never swerve when they see a deer in their pathway. Swerving can lead to horrific single-car accidents. Drivers who swerve often do so too much or overcorrect the vehicle trying to stay on the roadway.

Even if a driver does not swerve to miss a deer, there is still a chance that a serious accident can occur. Deer can weigh hundreds of pounds, which can cause serious injuries and property damage, particularly if the vehicle is traveling at a high rate of speed.

It is not uncommon for our Dallas deer-car accident lawyers to help clients who have sustained the following:

Dallas Deer Car Accident Attorney

Reporting the incident to your insurance carrier

If there are injuries or property damage as a result of your deer versus car accident, you need to report the incident to your insurer. Deer accidents are typically covered by a person’s comprehensive coverage. If you are unsure whether or not your accident is covered, check the declarations page of your policy to verify.

You can count on our team to help you through this

If you or somebody you care about has been involved in a car accident involving a deer, you may need to seek assistance from a skilled attorney today. At our firm, We understand that these cases can become complicated. We will thoroughly investigate what happened in order to secure maximum compensation, which can include:

  • Coverage of your medical bills related to the deer-car accident
  • Compensation for lost income if you cannot work
  • Loss of enjoyment of life damages
  • Coverage of property damage expenses

When you need a Dallas deer-car accident attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or by calling us at 214-295-2900.

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