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Dallas Semi-Truck Accident Attorney

Large commercial trucks are incredibly important for the economy of Texas and the United States. These vehicles transport the goods that we need in our homes and businesses. However, accidents involving large commercial trucks can lead to incredible devastation for those inside traditional passenger vehicles. At our firm, our compassionate and experienced Dallas semi-truck accident lawyer is here to help when you need a semi-truck accident attorney in Dallas. Our lawyers will investigate every aspect of your claim, stand up to aggressive insurance carriers, and secure the compensation you need.

Semi-truck crashes around Dallas can be devastating

A Dallas semi-truck crash can cause extensive property damage as well as severe injuries. According to data available from the Texas Department of Transportation, we can see information pertaining to commercial motor vehicle crashes throughout the state. During the latest reporting year of data we have available, we can see that there were more than 39,000 total commercial vehicle crashes in Texas, many of which involved semi-trucks. Out of these incidents, there were:

  • 613 fatalities
  • 1,471 suspected serious injuries
  • 4,733 non-incapacitating injuries
  • 8,937 possible injuries

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), large commercial trucks can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds when fully loaded with cargo. This weight discrepancy between semi-trucks and passenger vehicles often means that drivers in passengers in traditional vehicles sustain severe injuries when a collision occurs. It is not uncommon for our Dallas semi-truck accident attorney to help clients who have sustained the following:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Other severe neck or back injury
  • Broken and dislocated bones
  • Severe lacerations or puncture wounds
  • Amputations or crush injuries
  • Internal bleeding or internal organ damage
  • Significant scarring and disfigurement
  • Emotional and psychological injuries

Causes of Dallas semi-truck accidents

Semi-truck crashes in Dallas can happen in a variety of ways, often due to the careless or negligent actions of a truck driver or trucking company. Truck drivers can be liable for an accident due to a variety of reasons, including the following:

Additionally, trucking companies have a responsibility as well. Truck owners and operators must regularly inspect and maintain each vehicle in their fleet. Failing to do so could lead to truck malfunction on the roadway, causing a severe accident. Additionally, trucking companies must ensure that their drivers are all properly trained and licensed. Under no circumstances should a truck company encourage a driver to overload the vehicle or operate unsafely in order to meet delivery times.

Call our Dallas Semi-Truck Accident Lawyer for a free consultation

If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident caused by the careless or negligent actions of a truck driver or trucking company, contact a truck accident attorney for help with your case today. At our firm, we have extensive experience handling complex personal injury cases like this, and we are ready to help you obtain the compensation you deserve. This can include coverage of your:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost income
  • Out-of-pocket expenses
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Loss of quality of life damages
  • Property damage expenses

When you need a semi-truck accident lawyer in Dallas, You can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or by calling us at 214-295-2900.

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