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Dallas Inadequate Labels Attorney

Every product you own has a label. The medicine cabinet is full of medications with warning labels and instructions. Our cleaning products routinely have warnings for storage, like keep out of reach of children. Even our shampoo bottles have how-to directions. While some labels seem to give self-explanatory information, they are essential to keeping consumers safe.

If you or someone you love has suffered an injury that could have been prevented had there been adequate label warnings, please call the dedicated and aggressive attorneys at our firm. Our Dallas inadequate labels lawyers will fight to protect your rights. Contact us by calling at 214-295-2900.

How Do Inadequate Labels Affect Consumers?

Product liability claims can be very challenging. It is important that you have an experienced Dallas product liability attorney by your side to help guide you through the process. At our firm, our Dallas inadequate labels attorneys have extensive experience gathering critical evidence for our clients. If you or someone you know has been injured due to an incorrectly labeled product, contact our offices immediately.

Failing to provide adequate warnings or instructions can have serious consequences. For example, if the cold medicine at the store does not include a drowsiness warning on the package label or if the bathroom cleaner fails to warn of the strong fumes that require ventilation while in use, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries.

Under the law, there are two responsibilities concerning product labeling and instructions;

  1. That the manufacturer or retailer warn consumers of possible dangers
  2. The manufacturer or retailer gives specific and detailed instructions on properly using the product to avoid any potential risks.

If you have sustained an injury and the product does not have an adequate label or reasonable instructions, our Dallas inadequate labels attorneys can help. Call today.

What Are the Requirements for an Adequate Label in Dallas, Texas?

According to Texas Law, food manufacturers, wholesalers, and warehouses have to adhere to specific label requirements depending on the circumstances, including;

  • The label must be legible and on an area easy for the consumer to see
  • Warning labels must be specific and concise
  • The format of the label must be easy to understand in terms of formatting and design

Some companies decide not to put warning labels on their products. While a manufacturer has that right, there are circumstances where a warning label is required.

  • If a product poses a reasonable danger to consumers
  • If the manufacturer is aware of the danger
  • And that danger is not obvious to the consumer

If you have sustained injuries due to an improperly labeled product, our dedicated Dallas inadequate labels lawyers have the skills and resources to investigate your claims and obtain vital evidence.

Why Choose Our Firm?

When you need an inadequate labels attorney in Texas, the award-winning team at our firm, will fight for your right to compensation. If you or someone you love has been injured due to a product that failed to warn of its dangers, our highly-sought attorneys can help. You can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling us at 214-295-2900.

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