Dallas Construction Accident Attorney

Construction accidents can lead to severe injuries for workers. Unfortunately, these incidents are not uncommon, and our Dallas construction accident attorney is here to help victims secure any compensation they are entitled to. At our firm, our Dallas construction accident lawyer know that the workers’ compensation system sometimes fails construction workers who are hurt on the job. We will work to secure any compensation a person is due in the aftermath of these incidents.

Dallas construction accidents do occur

According to the US Occupational and Safety Health Administration (OSHA), the construction industry presents serious risks to workers. Data available from the latest reporting year shows us that 21.1% of all worker deaths in the US were the result of construction injuries. There are many reasons why construction workers face more risks than those in other industries.

These workers operate around heavy machinery and equipment on a regular basis. Some of the most common causes of construction site accidents include:

  • A lack of protection for workers operating at higher elevations
  • A lack of protection from falling objects
  • Missing or defective guards or protections one power tools
  • Unsafe or defective equipment
  • Tripping hazards from debris or construction materials
  • Lack of safety precautions when working near electrical lines
  • Lack of protection for those who work in construction trenches
  • Lack of proper respiratory protection or eye protection

Construction accident injuries can range from minor to severe, but even relatively minor injuries can result in a worker losing work days and income. At our firm, it is not uncommon for our Dallas construction accident lawyer to help clients who have sustained the following:

In the construction industry, workers can also sustain injuries and illnesses over longer periods of time due to exposure to hazardous elements and conditions on the job. This can include hearing and vision loss, serious respiratory illnesses, and certain occupational cancers.

Unfortunately, there are times when employers or workers’ compensation insurers delay or deny injury claims. When this happens, workers can be left with large medical bills and no income to support themselves or their families.

Our team will help secure the compensation you need

If you or somebody you care about works in construction and has been hurt on the job, you may need legal assistance to secure the compensation you deserve. At our firm, our construction accident lawyer in Dallas is ready to investigate these incidents and order to secure any compensation a construction worker deserves. This can include:

  • Coverage of all medical bills related to the injury
  • Any lost income and benefits the worker incurs
  • Coverage of lost future earnings or lost earning potential
  • Temporary or permanent disability benefits

In many construction accident injury cases, it may be possible to file a lawsuit against a third party that was involved. When you need a construction accident attorney in Dallas, you can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or by calling us at 214-295-2900.

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