Dallas Car Accident Insurance Claim Attorney

Getting into a car accident can be a terrifying experience, particularly if you or somebody you love has sustained an injury. In the aftermath of a Dallas car accident caused by another driver, you should be able to count on obtaining compensation from the at-fault party’s car insurance carrier. Unfortunately, there are times when insurance carriers refuse to offer a fair settlement or even deny a claim altogether. At our firm, our team is standing by to help when you need a Dallas car accident insurance claim attorney. We have no problem standing up to aggressive insurance carriers while we work to secure full compensation on your behalf.

The required auto insurance in Dallas

Data from the Texas Department of Transportation shows us that there were more than 256,000 total injuries caused by vehicle collisions during the latest reporting year across the state. During that same year, 3,610 people lost their lives in traffic collisions. In an effort to mitigate the total losses of vehicle accidents, Texas State law requires that all drivers carry at least the following minimum auto insurance:

Why are insurance carriers reluctant to pay for a claim?

Even though all drivers are supposed to carry insurance to protect themselves and others in the event an accident occurs, insurance carriers are usually reluctant to pay for a claim. In general, insurance carriers are “for-profit” entities that do anything they can to limit the amount of money they payout. The less they pay, the more profit they make.

This type of behavior often means that those who are injured or sustained property damage in a Dallas vehicle accident may face unnecessary delays or denials of their claims.

In Texas, insurance laws require that insurance carriers operate in good faith and fair dealing with any person they insure. This includes paying for legitimate claims in a timely manner. Failing to do so could constitute bad faith insurance practices and leave the insurer liable to a lawsuit from the affected party.

At our firm, our Dallas car accident insurance claims attorneys have extensive experience dealing with aggressive insurance carriers, and we understand the tactics that claim adjusters will use in an attempt to lower any settlement they pay out on your behalf. We will counter these tactics and work tirelessly to obtain all evidence necessary to prove liability in your case period

Call a Dallas car accident attorney for help today

If you or somebody you love has been involved in a vehicle accident caused by another driver and are struggling to secure compensation from the insurance carrier, contact the team at our firm for help with your case today. We will complete an investigation into the incident and handle any interactions with the insurance carriers involved. Our goal is to ensure you receive full compensation for your losses, which can include:

  • Payment of any medical bills
  • Lost income if you are unable to work
  • Any out-of-pocket expenses you incur
  • Property damage expenses
  • Loss of quality of life damages
  • Pain and suffering damages

When you need a Dallas car accident insurance claim attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or by calling us at 214-295-2900.

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