Tragic Car Accident in Dallas Results in Two Students’ Deaths

October 26, 2020
Williams & Cannon, PLLC
Car Accident

A car accident is a terrible event, leaving everyone shook, but it is significantly worse when children are involved and are hospitalized as a result of a car collision.

The start of a college career is supposed to be a happy time filled with sports, late-night studying, and making new friends. A fatal car accident can instead make it a time of grief, sadness, and mourning. At our firm, PLLC, our Dallas car accident lawyer want to discuss a recent car accident in Dallas involving two college students that had a tragic end.

What Happened in This Dallas Car Accident?

In October 2020, two freshmen at Dallas Baptist University, Karina De La Rosa and Kaitlyn Kotzeman were killed and others injured when two cars collided.

A woman was driving westbound when her vehicle somehow crashed with another vehicle. It is unclear what caused the crash.

De La Rosa and Kotzeman were killed due to the crash, leaving their loved ones and fellow college students in mourning. The police are still investigating what happened, but the immediate suspicion is that alcohol was involved since the collision was high speed and severe in a residential area. Most think that drunk driving incidents are reserved for weekend nights, but clearly, on a Sunday morning, someone on the road can make horrible decisions and have their judgment impaired.

Car Accident Creates Greats Compounding Tragedy

We hear reports of drunk drivers all of the time in Dallas. Some of them are minor, but many of them involve funerals involving those too young. At our firm, our Dallas car accident attorneys find that there are responsible parties, acting without reservation that endanger others, especially when they are behind the wheel.

The victim and family members of a car accident have to deal with such problems such as:

  • Loss of stability in the home
  • Sudden unemployment
  • Emotional and physical trauma
  • Unable to keep up with mortgage and rent payments
  • Unforeseen legal and medical bills

These issues can pile up, leaving the victim not many places to turn and dealing with the turmoil of recovering from someone’s negligence. This can take years, and we want to help you get back on your feet so you can get back to the life you were used to living.

Call Us For a Free Consultation on Your Case

If you or somebody you love has been the victim of a car accident caused by someone’s careless and negligent actions in the Dallas area, please contact us immediately. We want to act as quickly as possible to assist you as best we can. We pledge to conduct a full investigation into your claim so we can secure the compensation you need. This can include:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Rehabilitation services such as physical therapy
  • Pain and suffering
  • Punitive damages
  • Psychological care

When you need a personal injury lawyer in Dallas, Texas, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling 214-295-2900.

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