Motorcyclist Killed While Avoiding Fatal Accident

November 24, 2020
Williams & Cannon, PLLC
Motorcycle Accident

A motorcycle can bring a lot of thrill and excitement to someone. The speed, the fresh air, and the scenery make owning and driving a motorcycle very entertaining and provides excitement every day. A motorcycle can be dangerous if the vehicles on the road do not treat the motorcycle with respect when it comes to the rules of the road. The Dallas motorcycle accident lawyer at our firm, want to talk to you about a tragic motorcycle accident.

What Happened in This Dallas Motorcycle Accident?

In September 2020, Dallas police and fire rescue responded to a scene after a motorcyclist was involved in a crash with other vehicles. This motorcyclist needed to lay down his motorcycle after a box truck slammed on its brakes. After the motorcyclist crashed his motorcycle, a vehicle struck and killed him. This also caused the vehicle to hit another one as well.

A motorcyclist was trying to avoid an accident, and his best course of action was to lay down his motorcycle, a last-ditch effort to save his life. But tragically, another vehicle couldn’t control their speed and killed him.

If the drivers had maintained a safe speed and control of their vehicle, this fatal accident could have been prevented.

Motorcycle Accidents Create Tragedy and Suffering for Most Drivers

Motorcycle accidents cause significant injury because most motorcycles are struck by other vehicles: cars, trucks, etc. The vehicles’ speed and weight cause a greater impact and, unfortunately, more significant injury, if not a fatality. At our firm, we want to help you with your recovery and get you back on your feet as soon as possible after a motorcycle accident.

Victims who have experienced a bicycle accident due to someone’s negligence typically deal with:

  • PTSD
  • Loss of cognitive skills
  • Psychological issues caused by the injury
  • Loss of time with family and loved ones
  • Loss of mobility
  • Disfigurement
  • Emotional and physical trauma
  • Scarring

The tragedy of a motorcycle accident can cause massive amounts of suffering and pain.  Also, what compounds that problem is that the statute of limitations is two years for a motorcycle accident case in Texas, and that does not leave you much time for you to get the compensation you deserve. We want to start your investigation immediately to relieve you of the unexpected bills and burdens you face right now. We do not wish to a significant time to have elapsed.

Please Call Us For a Free Consultation of Your Case

If you or somebody you love has been the victim of a motorcycle accident caused by someone’s negligent and careless actions in the Dallas area, please contact us immediately. We pledge to conduct a thorough and full investigation into your claim so we can secure the compensation you need. We want you to receive compensation for:

  • Unforeseen legal and medical bills
  • Loss of income from taking sick time
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Punitive damages
  • Pain and suffering

When you need a Dallas personal injury lawyer, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling 214-295-2900 for a free case evaluation.

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